Commerce Guild | IG Banking Clan | Techno Union | Trade Federation
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The Trade Federation was one of the galactic trade guilds officially franchised by the Senate. The Federation was a conglomerate of large trade and shipping concerns
which were ultimately unified as a single entity. Many of its component trade concerns dated back to the galactic middle ages, and included historically significant
regional trade alliances. The Federation was first formed as a loose coalition during the settlement and expansion periods of last Republic, becoming a centralized
organization in 7627 (350 BBY). Its primary role was bulk shipping, colonization and development efforts, trade route defense in remote regions, and the production
of vessels and equipment used in those endeavors. As its power and influence grew, the Federation also presided over numerous interstellar megacorporations,
maintained the galaxy's largest corporate fleet and private military force known as the Trade Defense Force, and directly appointed a member of the Galactic Senate.
The Federation eventually came to have a virtual monopoly on interstellar trade, and conducted business with interstellar trade groups, cartels, and corporations
large and small. The Federation was run locally on thousands of worlds by officials from a wide variety of races, however more prominent races within the organization
which had significant colonial histories tended to dominate its central leadership. The ancient Neimoidian Trade Federation eventually succeeded in dominating
the Trade Federation after centuries of internal political wrangling. The Federation's headquarters was on Cato Neimoidia, and the organization was also heavily
based on Neimoidia, the homeworld of the Neimoidians, who were the most prominent species in the organization during its last century.
The leader of the Trade Federation was Viceroy Nute Gunray, who became their representative on the Separatist Council during
the Clone Wars, alongside Settlement Officer Rune Haako. The Trade Federation was represented in the Galactic Senate by Lott Dod.
Some other high ranking officials of the Trade Federation before or during the Clone Wars:
The Federation had become an integral component of the Republic, to the point that its own interests and ambitions became detrimental to the democratic
nature of the Republic, and to the sovereignty of many worlds, particularly in the Rim regions. The organization was a primary instigator of the Clone Wars, and
while they profited immensely, the Federation was undermined by its own duplicity unto its dissolution. A large portion of the Federation's vast resources
defected to the Separatists at the outset of the Clone Wars, leaving the core of their organization officially neutral and loyal to the Republic, but with far less
resources to maintain their role in galactic trade. While the organization was internally still working together at the outset of the conflict, the Separatist
faction eventually turned on the loyal faction leading to an invasion of Cato Neimoidia which would mark the beginning of the end of the Federation. Their
involvement with the Separatists, as well as their widely-known role in political corruption, were used as a pretext for dissolving the Federation following
the war. Most Federation subsidiaries or affiliates were also ruined by the war, absorbed by other corporations, or continued on independently within
the Corporate Alliance during the reign of the Empire. Known subsidiaries of the Trade Federation prior to its dissolution:
The Trade Federation manufactured their own battlestations in conjunction with their subsidiary Hoersch-Kessel Drive:
Haor Chall Engineering
Haor Chall Engineering was a high-precision technology manufacturer which specialized in military droids, starcraft, and industrial machinery. The company
an extension of a religious order located on Charros IV, which became a primary developer of high-end equipment used in their trade operations and for
their Trade Defense Force. The company's affiliation with the Separatist Alliance led to the destruction of many of their facilities and the collapse of
the company, whose remnants were absorbed by Sienar Fleet Systems. Known products of Haor Chall Engineering:
Industrial and Military Technology
Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.
Hoersch-Kessel Drive was a large starship manufacturing corporation which dated back to the 40th century (around 4000 BBY). The company was
originally a Duro concern, but was eventually based on the planet Nimban in the Outer Rim. It became a subsidiary of the Trade Federation during
the conglomeration of that cartel, and became the primary developer and manufacturer of the large starships used for shipping, commerce, and
corporate defense by the Federation. Known products of Hoersch-Kessel Drive: